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But let's just talk, let's run through some of the games that you have made over the years. And it's also on Android Play right there on day one. It is on iOS of course, in the App Store. And, and I'll just say Knotwords is also available for Mac and PC on Steam.

Nonograms Pro for apple instal free

Gruber: But you have made a slew of games, over the years, I think. And I'll just say this once 'cuz on a podcast it's often difficult. You have a brand new game out called, Knotwords. John Gruber: I'm so excited to have you here. This episode of The Talk Show was edited by Caleb Sexton.

  • Playdate Pulp, and Bitsy, Pulp’s inspiration.
  • Texas Instruments TI-83 Graphing Calculator, and games written for it.
  • Threes, a great puzzle game of iOS from 2014.
  • CandyBar - Mac utility for customizing icons, including, back in the day, the icons for the system itself.
  • (I mistakenly called it “Lights Out” during the show.)
  • Lights Off - the first native iPhone game, nearly a year before the App Store.
  • Zach Lieberman’s OpenFrameworks project from 2010.
  • Apple’s original “Cocoa” - Stagecast Creator/KidSim.
  • HyperStudio - a classic developer tool like HyperCard, but with color support.
  • Really Bad Chess, which is actually, of course, really good.
  • Nonograms Pro for apple instal free

    Zach Gage’s portfolio website, with a full list of games.Try Kolide for free today no credit card required. Kolide: Endpoint Security for teams that Slack.Memberful: Monetize your passion with membership.Use code talkshow for 10% off your first order. Zach Gage joins the show to talk about game design and creativity, including his new game Knotwords. The Talk Show ‘Like Neo Dodging Bullets’, With Zach Gage Monday,

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